Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

MAKRAB ( Malam Iman bina dan Takwa )
ESA and ESC in the University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo
By Latifah Femi Nuraini 

 According to Muhammad Fatkhur Rojik as  the precident of comitte “ MAKRAB is one of  program  from ESA and ESC to activity in Ramadhan. MAKRAB was held on Friday until Saturday ,Mey  25 until 26, 2018.MAKRAB followed 34 of participant consist of 20 from member of  ESA and 14 from member of ESC. Yesterday, the activitivy strated with opened  from precident ESA and ESC, read Qur’an, Islamic  student by Mr.Ari Fajar Subakhi, breaked  the fast together, raed Qur’an,prayed traweh together, studied with Mr.Nasrudin, sleeped, prayed Qiyamul la’il, prayed subuh, studied kultum, and finished. All activity hold on west campus in University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo.”

This first activity follewed member of ESA and ESC because it was aim to cooperation, keep friendship, improve faith, improve knowledge, and other. All member felt happy and enjoy. This activity got full sport from the head of study program Mr.Sri Widodo. So, all member had sport to MAKRAB. This activity was very fun. This activity choosed  lecture one of favorite in University Muhammadiyah Purworejo  to give material.

“Don’t make a habbit to be kind, but make a kind to be a habbit” said Mr.Nasrudin
The lecturer was Mr.Nasirudin. He given material at” the nine golden habbit”.He delivered material very fun. So,all participant of MAKRAB not borred although this activity at night.“All participant got  different knowledge” said Putri Yuni

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

By.Latifah Femi Nuraini

How to encourage English department student to speak English more often and confidently.
Student English Department  can develop all the four basic language skills-listening, reading, writing, and speaking but one of must be mastery is speaking. Speaking is important to student English department communication. It is one of different student English Department with student other. The problem is sudent English department can’t apply in enviroment or in campus. They are not confidence to speak English because people speak java language or Indonesia language so, if they speak English, They feel different with other people.
Ok. I have some tips to encourage English department student to speak English more often and confidently.
The first is Student English Department often try speak English in the class. The lecturer have fun learn to them. If Student English Department study with happy, They will speak English without the teacher ask them.
The second is the lecturer give assigment about speak. The assignment can individual or gruop. So, Student English Department more often to speak English.
The third is English Department have a agenda about speak English to student because student more spirit if They follow competition.
Next When the student speak with the lecture, the friend, or other try to use English language.
And then the student must follow public speking class in campus or in out campus because it is very important to them.

Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Report Text
By Latifah Femi Nuraini

                                                         UKM SAINS and Technology

UKM Sains and Technology  is Student Activity Units in University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo. It’s consist of 62 members. Every members have assignment different consist of five division. The division is division develop organisation, division entrepreneurship, division scientific papers, division technology, division public relationship. UKM sains and technology established 2003.the president of  UKM sains and technology 2018 is Diki Haryanto from Outomotive Education.
UKM sains an Technology one of organization in University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo. It’s one of favorite student activity units in the campus. Because It’s different with other organization. The different with other organization is more about research, technology, public speaking, entrepreneur, public relationship   and other. So UKM Sains and Technology make student in campus have new experience because it’s will directly into the community. UKM Sains and technology have big agenda is PKM ( Student Creativity Program). PKM have some kind PKM-C,PKM-K, PKM-M,PKM-P and other. In PKM ,You can develop your idea and your inovation to benefical your environment. If you have idea ,UKM sains and technology will be help you to prepare all something you need. You can get money from dikti to develop your idea if you join PKM.  UKM sains and technology have agenda more benefical to your future.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

By Latifah Femi Nuraini 
Suwuk Beach 

   Suwuk Beach is a great tourism for the holidays.
The beach is located in Suwuk village, Kebumen . The located is about 50 km from Kebumen. The location is about one and a help hours to go to Suwuk beach. The san of Suwuk beach is black. Long beach side’s and slope make this beach being a fun playground. The characteristic of Suwuk beach is almost look alite the other beaches in Kebumen. The different characteristic is large desert with grasses. Besides, the limestone scenery in the west and north looked interseresting too. This beach has been complete with various facilities such as simple game modes, ex garuda boeing 737 aircraft, mosque, large parking area, public toilets, souvenir shops, and food courts. We can also get many culiner such as pecel and lontong , green coconut ice, jellyfish chips and various other types of chips.

Jumat, 20 April 2018

The Earnest a friend
By. Latifah Femi Nuraini 

One day , there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

Suddenly, they saw a large tiger getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

The tiger came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the tiger do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the tiger whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the tiger advised me not to believe a false friend."

Jumat, 06 April 2018


the cut
some paper
the rules
the double tape
the sheet of cardboard former .

1.please you prepare all tools and materials
2.you take one of paper,
3.and you are line the paper consist of two and can fold consist of two horizontal
4.then you cut the paper already in line.

 5.the samll pieces of paper in the roll like the picture
6.the roll paper plaease you are roll vertical like the paper.
7.Next, You take cardboard and you are rules like frame
8.You pack with paper former to glue with double tape.

9.Then, You write something to use your remember like motivation, idiom or other.
10.and your write is glue with cardboard
11.the role paper can glue the cardboard.
12.Your Creativity, Your Remember

Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

Recount Text


                                                  When to Small World 

Dear Sinta,

               Last month, I went to small World, Purwokerto. I went to  Small World by car with my family. We leaved at 10.30 a.m and arrived at 12.30 p.m.

            We stopped in a mosque to pray first. After that, we went to ticket window. The ticket price was only Rp 15.000,00- for every person. The miniatures collection there were complete. We took pictures of the beautiful sceneries there. And we bought some souvenirs. After that, We went to restaurant to have lunch. I was so hungry. In the afternoon we went home

 We were quite tired bu we felt very happy.
