Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

MAKRAB ( Malam Iman bina dan Takwa )
ESA and ESC in the University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo
By Latifah Femi Nuraini 

 According to Muhammad Fatkhur Rojik as  the precident of comitte “ MAKRAB is one of  program  from ESA and ESC to activity in Ramadhan. MAKRAB was held on Friday until Saturday ,Mey  25 until 26, 2018.MAKRAB followed 34 of participant consist of 20 from member of  ESA and 14 from member of ESC. Yesterday, the activitivy strated with opened  from precident ESA and ESC, read Qur’an, Islamic  student by Mr.Ari Fajar Subakhi, breaked  the fast together, raed Qur’an,prayed traweh together, studied with Mr.Nasrudin, sleeped, prayed Qiyamul la’il, prayed subuh, studied kultum, and finished. All activity hold on west campus in University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo.”

This first activity follewed member of ESA and ESC because it was aim to cooperation, keep friendship, improve faith, improve knowledge, and other. All member felt happy and enjoy. This activity got full sport from the head of study program Mr.Sri Widodo. So, all member had sport to MAKRAB. This activity was very fun. This activity choosed  lecture one of favorite in University Muhammadiyah Purworejo  to give material.

“Don’t make a habbit to be kind, but make a kind to be a habbit” said Mr.Nasrudin
The lecturer was Mr.Nasirudin. He given material at” the nine golden habbit”.He delivered material very fun. So,all participant of MAKRAB not borred although this activity at night.“All participant got  different knowledge” said Putri Yuni

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